Gyan Prakash Foundation believes that equity in education can be realized when the education system prioritizes the learning needs of every child. Assessments play an important role in supporting teachers to identify where each child is in their classroom. Using that evidence to plan for every child, ensures learning for all. Gyan Prakash Foundation facilitates processes through cluster academic meetings where Cluster Resource Coordinators (CRCs, also referred to as Kendra Pramukhs in Maharashtra) and teachers use a data-driven approach to understand the learning needs of individual students in their schools. The teacher is able to create personalized learning plans for every student with the support from peers. District Institute of Education Training (DIET) functionaries and Block level officials use student learning data for planning and review purposes as well.
Personalised Learning Plan
Over the last 4 years, the number of teachers in Cluster Academic Meetings preparing personalized learning plans for children in the 4 districts (Nandurbar, Parbhani, Solapur, Satara) has increased, with 5175 teachers currently implementing competency based education in their classrooms.
Teachers Preparing Personalised Learning Plan
Technology Enabling Competency Based Education
In 2019, Gyan Prakash Foundation introduced the Learning Navigator to teachers. The Learning Navigator is a technology platform developed by Gooru- an educational technology non-profit organization dedicated to honoring the human right to education. The Learning Navigator is a digital data back-bone that can accurately locate the child in terms of abilities and help them reach their learning goals.
The technology platform provides teachers with a data backbone to track the real time learning progress of their students. Teachers can use assessments from the platform to understand the competencies gained by each student in their classroom and assign learning resources to students based on their current learning levels.
What is the Learning Navigator?
GPF completed the pilot of Learning Navigator in Manwath block in Parbhani district of Maharashtra, to demonstrate its impact on competencies in children. The pilot included 200 teachers and 9000 children from 70 schools in Manwath block. This project has been implemented in alignment and with support of the local authorities at the district as well as block level. The local authorities continue to be an integral part of the implementation of the Learning Navigator tool in the classroom.
GPF has worked on contextualizing the Navigator to work in rural areas with less connectivity. 2600 teachers across the 4 districts are using Gooru Navigator to implement competency based education in their classrooms.
GPF has ventured into a partnership with Gooru, to develop the Learning Navigator platform for supporting core-competencies in children across math and language in the primary grades of classes 1 to 5. GPF has developed the Math competency framework (Class 1 to 5) to precisely ‘locate’ the child’s knowledge and skills in Math. This framework and the content development effort has been recognized by MSCERT.